Want to Learn an AGE old (non) Diapering TEchnique that’s good for the environment?

I’m only part hippie and committed half-time to this incredible way of life and still somehow influenced two kiddos personally to be DIAPER FREE by 10months and 18months. In addition, countless families have caught on and with my support and simple education, have joined this movement!

join me! it’s free. (well, once you buy a book and maybe invest in a little potty for your wee one.)

wait. why is this free? because it’s my gift to the environment : BECAUSE SPENDING MONEY ON DIAPERS THAT TAKE 500 YEARS TO BIODEGRADE, POOP IN THEM, TO SIMPLY THROW THEM AWAY IS POOPID. (see what I did there?)

I know it sounds crazy, but it works!

Why doesn’t everybody do this? Most people in the world actually do. boom.

Elimination communication is not only good for the environment, it’s good for your relationship with your child and your pocketbook AS WELL

it’s true! I personally saved approx. $3000 by teaching my babies early how and where to GO. By tuning in, we can effectively teach our babes to respect and love their bodies, how they work, and even WHERE to go!

YEAH BUT WHAT IS IT? How do you do it?

You basically teach your infant at an early age “Cues” or sounds that they identify with “pee” and “poo.” (for my kiddos, pee was “psssssssst” and poop was a grunting sound.)

Then, you tune into their rhythms to know when they typically go (like 10 minutes after feeding they’ll poop so you hold baby over the toilet or in the dirt outdoors and make your “poop” sound.)

Give them plenty of opportunities to go and don’t put too much pressure positively or negatively on the process. How would you feel if your friends celebrated or chastised you for your bowel movements? Pottying is a natural normal thing, so we treat it that way.

listen. notice. be attentive. repeat.

that’s it. contact me for more:



Diaper Free: The Gentle Wisdom of Natural Infant Hygiene

Go Diaper Free


Let me preface this list by saying you actually don’t need anything. I myself didn’t have many of the below items, but in my years of consulting new parents with this tecHnique have found these to be helpful:

*I literally used old tupperware containers as potties

Tiny Undies (because it’s difficult to find ones that fit tiny bums!) trust me. These are A+

Water Proof Pad (recommend 2)

Tiny potty or Little Whale Potty (keep it simple! you want one that is small for when baby is ready to put himself/herself onto it)

Toilet Insert (*some toilets are round, some are oval! be aware when you order. Do yourself a favor and get this for the long haul. Even if you’re not doing “Diaper Free” you will have a little one using your potty for some time.)